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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Workflow Tutorial

Adjusting the <APPLET> tag

If you upload the entire Published directory with all its contents to your Web server, your content will run correctly when a user visits the HTML page. However, the HTML page generated by the Wizard will rarely serve your purposes. Generally, your Shout3D applet will only be a single element of a Web page that includes text, other graphics, and JavaScript.

You've already created the HTML page you want. Copy startstop.html into the Published directory and open it in a text editor. You'll need to change the <APPLET> tag in three ways:

Here is the corrected <APPLET> tag with the changes highlighted in boldface:

<APPLET NAME="shoutapplet" CODEBASE="." CODE="applets/ExamineApplet.class" 
<param name="src" value="shoutbox3/shoutbox3.s3z">
<param name="headlightOn" value="true">

Edit the <APPLET> tag as indicated and save the edited copy of startstop.html in the Published directory. Load this file into a browser to make sure it's working properly. You are now ready to upload the entire Published directory to your server. You can change the name of the Published directory or simply upload all of its contents into your root level directory on the server. However, you cannot change the names of the any of the component files or directories.

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